About me
Hi there! Thanks for checking out my page! I'll try to make this quick because if you're like me, your attention will only last a few short paragraph lengths of reading...
I'm a Jersey girl, beach lover, city lover and nature lover (except for the bugs and mosquitoes of course). You may be wondering what that leaves, but I'm not a space lover. No desire to go up there, but I do like looking at the stars.
I bought my first camera in the summer of 2017: Nikon 5500. To be honest, I'm still learning how to use it, but my favorite settings are auto and no flash; however, I'm quite surprised by how nice some of my photos have turned out by just toggling between the two (yay Nikon for making it easy for beginners like me!)
I hope you enjoy my photos, and if you're looking for me to snap a few for you or a friend, please message me!
Disclaimer: I will not make you say "cheese" because I'll just get way too excited that there is actually cheese nearby. #cheese #enthusiast
Let's talk together
Please fill out the below form with your contact information and I will respond within 24 hours. Look forward to chatting!